Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Belle & Wyatt

(Picture taken on my blackberry - they like to lay symmetrically)
Meet my dog, Belle (on right).
Breed: Vizsla
Weight: 34 lbs.
Nicknames: Bella, Bellie, Bellie-girl, Bell-dar
Strengths: lightning-fast speed, sky-high jumps
Weaknesses: barks at inaudible-to-the-human-ear noises
Likes: socks, dog bones, sitting on your lap
Hates: plastic bags, rain

Meet my dog (well, Matt's dog), Wyatt (on left).
Breed: German short-haired pointer
Weight: 75 lbs.
Nicknames: Wy-Wy, Bub, Big dummy
Strengths: door greeter, listens to commands (most of the time)
Weaknesses: whines when people leave (especially Matt)
Likes: eating, spinning around infinite times to lay down
Hates: silence, not being the center of attention


Unknown said...

Hates: umbrellas

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